Tag: child safety

Lessons WE Should Have Learned from School Volunteer Deonte Carraway
"We gotta stop throwing our kids to the wolves because the wolves tell [...]
Mujey Dumbuya: When Schools Should Be Safe Havens, Not Danger Zones
Educators, administrators, and staff work tirelessly every [...]
Did Goya Foods and CEO Bob Unanue Part Ways Over Stance on Child Trafficking
Pexels.comThe PR Release had this to say: Goya Foods CEO, Bob Una [...]
10 Non-Negotiable Boundaries All Children Have a Right to Set
Children Have the Right to Set the Following Boundaries:
Bodily [...]
Registered VA Sex Offender in Women’s Locker Room: Protecting Our Kids in a Society that Endorses Lies and Deception
The Hidden Danger of Lies and Deception: Protecting Our Children from [...]
Our Daughters Deserve Better: Rejecting Political Apathy Toward Girls’ Safety
In the United States, the number of girls who have experienced abuse i [...]

From SkyNews: Why are black kids more likely to go missing in the US?
Despite African-Americans making up significantly less of the US [...]
Breaking the Chains of Objectification
ObjectificationObjectification refers to the reduction of [...]
Prof. Gary Francione: Why I Left the Democratic Party After Voting for Kamala Harris-and Why Others Will Follow
You can't go across one year of history on this planet without [...]
Keeping Our Children Safe in Online Chatrooms & Streaming Spaces: A Parent’s Guide
Ideogram.com It is amazing to see children of relatives and frien [...]