No One Deserves Access To Children Just Because Others Say So

As parents, one of the most important lessons we can teach our children—especially our daughters—is this: Their boundaries are non-negotiable.

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As parents, one of the most important lessons we can teach our children—especially our daughters—is this: Their boundaries are non-negotiable.

Yet, the world constantly pressures young people—especially girls—to lower, erase, or overlook their boundaries for the comfort of others.

Who are they often told to make exceptions for?

A family member who “means well.”
A boyfriend or crush who just “loves them so much.”
A peer with a disability who “doesn’t know any better.”
A trans-identified male who says her boundaries make him feel “unsafe.”
A younger cousin who is “too little” to be told no.
A teacher, coach, or mentor who has a “good reputation.”
🚨 NO. That’s not how this works. 🚨

Here are some real-life scenarios where teens today are being pressured to drop their boundaries—and what parents need to be aware of.

1️⃣ The “But He’s So Nice” Pressure
🗣 “Come on, give him a chance! He’s such a good guy.”
🔎 Example: Your daughter isn’t interested in a boy at school, but teachers, friends, and even family keep pushing her to “be nice” to him because he’s “such a sweetheart.”

🔥 Teach her: She does not owe anyone her time, attention, or friendship. “No” is a full sentence.


2️⃣ The “Family Comes First” Guilt Trip
🗣 “That’s your uncle! He didn’t mean anything by it.”
🔎 Example: A family member makes uncomfortable jokes, touches too much, or ignores personal space, but instead of addressing it, adults say, “That’s just how they are.”

🔥 Teach her: Family ties do not erase her right to safety and comfort. If someone makes her uncomfortable, she has every right to stay away.



3️⃣ The “He’s Just a Kid” Excuse
🗣 “Don’t be mean! He’s younger than you.”
🔎 Example: A younger boy at school or in the family keeps bothering, touching, or disrespecting her, but adults dismiss it as “puppy love” or “boys being boys.”

🔥 Teach her: Age does not excuse bad behavior. She is not obligated to accept anyone violating her space, no matter their age.


4️⃣ The “Inclusion Means No Boundaries” Lie
🗣 “You’re being unfair! He should be allowed in your space too.”
🔎 Example: Your daughter is pressured to change clothes in front of, share a room with, or compete physically against a male peer who identifies as female. If she objects, she is called “bigoted” or “mean.”

🔥 Teach her: Inclusion should never come at the expense of a girl’s privacy, safety, or comfort. She has a right to female-only spaces.


5️⃣ The “But He Has a Disability” Manipulation
🗣 “It’s not fair to exclude him. He doesn’t know better.”
🔎 Example: A male peer with a disability makes inappropriate comments or crosses physical boundaries, but adults insist your daughter should “just be patient.”

🔥 Teach her: Empathy does not require self-sacrifice. No one is entitled to her space or her body, regardless of their challenges.



6️⃣ The “That’s Just How He Shows Love” Lie
🗣 “He doesn’t mean to be controlling—he just really likes you.”
🔎 Example: A boyfriend texts constantly, shows up uninvited, gets angry when she spends time with friends, and adults call it “young love” instead of what it is—control.

🔥 Teach her: Obsession is not love. Control is not love. Love respects boundaries.

7️⃣ The “Respect Your Elders” Trap
🗣 “You don’t talk back to adults.”
🔎 Example: A coach, teacher, pastor, or family friend asks inappropriate personal questions, gives uncomfortable hugs, or singles her out for “special attention.”

🔥 Teach her: Adults do not get automatic trust. She is allowed to say NO to any adult who makes her uncomfortable.


8️⃣ The “Girls Should Be Nice” Expectation
🗣 “Why are you being so mean? He was just trying to help.”
🔎 Example: A male stranger follows her in a store, and when she reacts defensively, adults shame her for being “rude.”

🔥 Teach her: Politeness should never come before safety. If she feels uncomfortable, she owes no one an explanation.


🔸 Parents: Stand Firm. Teach Your Kids to Stand Firm. 🔸
Your child’s boundaries should never be sacrificed for:
✅ Inclusion
✅ Guilt
✅ Tradition
✅ “Good Intentions”

👩🏾‍🏫 Teach Them These Truths:
✔ No one is entitled to their body or space.
✔ No is an answer, not a debate.
✔ Boundaries are a form of self-protection, not selfishness.
✔ People who push against boundaries often have bad intentions.

✨ Let’s raise daughters & sons who know their worth—and refuse to shrink for anyone.